Saturday, March 22, 2014

Like Christopher Walken!

Oh, what fun things we can do to tease our little children!

After Ramsey's bath, I thought it'd be cute to slick his hair back like a little 20's gangster.  After naturally drying, his hair ended up like THIS!  We laughed at the poor child because he looked like a Baby Christopher Walken!  Oh boy. 

The pictures tell that he's got a good sense of humor about it.  :-)  

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Oh Sleepy Sleepy Little Boy....

How precious and sweet my sleeping baby is!

I often wonder what Ramsey is dreaming about when he's sleeping; sometimes he just smiles and smiles. 
Below, he's with Nana Karen in one shot and sleeping like Bumpa Bernie sleeps in another (with his finger on his cheek).

Sunday, March 9, 2014

A Visit from Troy, Sarah, Sadie & Isaac

We had a special visit from special people yesterday!  Uncle Troy, Auntie Sarah, and Cousins Sadie & Isaac came down for the afternoon.  Eric was gone to a pool tournament and Connor was with his Mom for the weekend, so Nana Karen and I spent the day visiting and enjoying the time. 

Puppy Riggs, though WILD and excited at first, settled down and played with everyone and showed him his new tricks that he'd learned (fetching after having to "stay", "shaking", etc).  He had a fun day and was sad when everyone left!

Ramsey had a nice day too.  He slept for such a long time, but when Isaac held him, he finally woke up!  I guess Isaac had the magic touch.  :-)   I had Ramsey dressed in the beautiful light green sweater that Auntie Sarah made for him.  He may have just been so warm and cozy that he was just too content to be awake! 

The kids each took turns feeding Ramsey and everyone got to hold him.   It was so nice for them to come and visit!!!