Monday, April 28, 2014

Ramsey's Baptism

Ramsey received the gift of the Holy Spirit on Sunday, April 27th.   A chilly, breezy, and somewhat rainy day, the baptism itself was a nice ceremony.  Big Brubby Connor poured the holy water into the bowl for Pastor Deb and Godfather Kevin lit the special baptismal candle.  

Ramsey wore a sweet white jumper with a bow tie and vest, crocheted booties, and an adorable little hat.  During church and right before the baptism, he sneezed, and his bow tie fell off!  Oops! 

After the baptism, we took pictures in the church (those pics coming soon!) and then all went back to our home on Richmond to celebrate with the family and have some lunch.  Even though it was a little too cold to mingle outside, everyone seemed content in the cozy environment.  However, the kids (Connor, Sadie, Isaac, Evin, and Garret) played tag and hide-and-seek outside to burn off some energy.   Ramsey was very happy being passed around to everyone and didn't fuss, even without his naps!

Sarah and Vicki took pictures at the house and Penny and Shana got some nice shots from the church.  Ramsey's room will soon be filled with pictures of him with all of his close family and special friends.   For all of our special family and friends who couldn't be with us, know that we love you and missed you!

Pictures below consist of [Ramsey with...]: Eric, Connor, & me; Godparents Shana & Kevin; Nana Vicki & Bumpa Bernie; Uncle Lance & Auntie Peggy; Auntie Sarah & Uncle Troy; Uncle Troy & Cousin Sadie; Great Aunt Mikki & Great Uncle Pete; Cousin Curt; Special Friends Derrick & Penny; Jim J; Nana Karen; Cousin Curt & me; Connor; Penny; and Eric, Connor, & me again.








Wednesday, April 23, 2014

"Business Man"

Sorry... couldn't resist adding this picture.  Here's Ramsey in a onesie that Auntie Peggy gave him at the baby shower.  SO CUTE!

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter Haul!

As usual, "Harry" (aka "The Easter Bunny"), made his way to our household this year.  Instead of leaving dozens of eggs for Connor to find in the house (some which we would find weeks later in bizarre places), he was led on a scavenger hunt with clues that eventually directed him to a large basket, chock full of chocolate, sour candies, licorice, more chocolate, and water toys. 

Connor had clues in the kitchen, the boat house, garage refrigerator, bathroom, lawn tractor, etc.  When he was done hunting for his treasures, he was hoping he had even more clues!  I promised Connor that we'd send him on a wild goose chase sometime soon, if that's what he wanted! 

Ramsey's first Easter basket included a little yellow stuffed ducky (that we found he likes to chew on), some cute clothes, and a little wagon that he can tow around in a few months.

The boys each got money, chocolate, and clothes from grandparents!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Ramsey & Mommy.... Posin' for the Cam...

Now that I am back to work full time and have my plate even fuller than usual, it's not often that I am in nice jeans (vs. yoga pants), heels (vs. fuzzy socks or slippers), with my hair fixed, and in full make-up.   I was starting to forget how that felt!    ...glad Eric got a few shots in.

(P.S. I think Ramsey's going to have dimples!)

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Growing SO FAST!

Little Ramsey is doing FANTASTIC; he is smiling and laughing more than ever now, especially during play time and when we all make funny faces and talk in silly voices!  He's never cried much unless he's hungry, is overly tired, or has tummy cramps (ouch!).  He's a noisy little guy early in the morning though (and in general!) and chatters up a storm!  He likes to talk to all of us...and himself! 

His eyesight continues to improve and it's amazing how well and intently he focuses on things.  And... he loves LOVES LOVES his swing and giggles constantly when he's in it!!

Now that the weather is getting nicer, we're going to break out the new jogging stroller (finally!) and go for walks along the lakeside.  Puppy Riggs is now five months old and is progressing with his leash, so he will get to go too!

Ramsey is so lucky to have his Nana Karen and Nana Vicki to take care of him during the day when Eric and I are working.  I'm especially lucky to have him at home so I can visit him when I miss him... which is a lot!!  He has so many people around him that love and adore him. 

We love you "Little Cricket"!!