Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Growing SO FAST!

Little Ramsey is doing FANTASTIC; he is smiling and laughing more than ever now, especially during play time and when we all make funny faces and talk in silly voices!  He's never cried much unless he's hungry, is overly tired, or has tummy cramps (ouch!).  He's a noisy little guy early in the morning though (and in general!) and chatters up a storm!  He likes to talk to all of us...and himself! 

His eyesight continues to improve and it's amazing how well and intently he focuses on things.  And... he loves LOVES LOVES his swing and giggles constantly when he's in it!!

Now that the weather is getting nicer, we're going to break out the new jogging stroller (finally!) and go for walks along the lakeside.  Puppy Riggs is now five months old and is progressing with his leash, so he will get to go too!

Ramsey is so lucky to have his Nana Karen and Nana Vicki to take care of him during the day when Eric and I are working.  I'm especially lucky to have him at home so I can visit him when I miss him... which is a lot!!  He has so many people around him that love and adore him. 

We love you "Little Cricket"!!


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