Tuesday, May 6, 2014

What are Riggsy's Treasures Today?

Riggs loves finding new "treasures".  These lovely items are typically hauled to the main entry door to the house where he then chews, sniffs, gnaws, eats, and just plain enjoys them.  WE, on the other hand, get to enjoy tripping over them! 

His favorite things are our spindles from the fence (thank you - we didn't like them anyway..?!?), leftover chunks of wood from a construction site nearby, tree branches, and now, apparently aluminum cans!  Good thing he doesn't have any silver amalgam fillings or other dental work!

Below are some of his newest treasures; a shake shingle, an iced tea can, a fence spindle, a piece of wood trim, and a hunk of bark that he hasn't yet gotten around to snarfing.  In another shot, through the screen door, he's laying down chewing on his branch collection.  I shudder to think of the things we DON'T see that he ingests!  Oye ve!

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