Wednesday, November 12, 2014

A Very Riggsy Birthday


Riggs turned ONE on November 8th.   To celebrate this milestone (and honestly, more for something fun for the kids to experience), we had a "dog party" for him, complete with tons of treats, toys, presents, balloons, and play time. 

By the way, no, I did not bake him cake (though the crazy notion did cross my mind).  But, while the rest of us enjoyed burgers and malts, he got Eric's trimmings from his big juicy New York Strip steak.  (I think he'd rather have that than cake any day.)

We did sing Happy Birthday to him.  Connor sang it a plethora of times over the weekend... again... and again... and again.... and again.  lol

Below is a typical snapshot of our crazy little family.  We just can't seem to get a picture with everyone looking in the same direction at the same time.  Chaos!  Ha!
Riggs was a happy puppy that day.  He had an "excuse" to be naughty; he was so excited!
Connor was the honorary present-opener.
Riggsy's presents included a horde of new dog bones, raw hides in various shapes and sizes (to include a 12" dinosaur-sized bone), a new special Frisbee, and a new choke collar. 
In case you're wondering, it took less than a day for the gigantic bone to be eaten.
 Ramsey seemed more interested in testing out the new choke collar.
Earlier that day, we took Riggs outside to play Frisbee with his new one and Connor's super-far-flying-Frisbee (which only got stuck in the tree once, incidentally).  It was chilly, but it didn't snow until that evening.  Whew!  Just made it.

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