Tuesday, August 23, 2016

New Guy Behind the Wheel

I'm going to admit... I was frightened, nay SCARED... at the thought of this....  lol.
Connor, now 14, and having passed Driver's Ed, can drive (with another licensed driver).
Mom and Eric had both ridden with him, but as of yet, I had not!

Connor and I took a drive to Aberdeen to fiddle around and get some ice cream.
When I was buckling up, I remember thinking,  "This kid's growing up!  Yay!  And... this kid is GROWING UP.  So sad!"  It was bittersweet.

Connor did well on the way in.  He's got "some work" to do, driving in town and such, but we'll keep working with him.  :-)

He's had a car for a few months now.  In October, it will be legal for him to drive by himself, from dawn until dusk.  When he's 16, he can legally drive by himself, anytime.

Still... I can't believe it.  He's old enough... to drive!   Saying "time flies" all the time is really getting to be a theme around here!!

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