Monday, September 19, 2016

Freshman Football: A Short Season

Connor's played in three games so far as a freshman football player.   He's #30, sixth from the left.   Stats: 5'7"  135#     Primary Role: Wide Receiver
Unfortunately, those three games will be the only games he'll have under his belt this year.
In this play (from last Friday's game), he was blocking and collided with a lineman.  He's on the right-hand part of the screen and is doubled over at the end of the play.   A painful injury!!
End result:
A broken wrist.  He'll have to wear this non-plaster cast for the next three weeks.  It'll take an additional three weeks to fully heal.   Poor kid!
But, he will still practice with his football squad, completing conditioning training and learning plays.  He will not participate in weight-lifting or get in the thick of man-to-man practice.

I didn't even get a close-up picture of him suited up in his football gear this year.   :-(

"Fun Facts" (er, not-so-fun?!):  This is the third time Connor has broken his right wrist.
And, in the same game, one of Connor's teammates also broke his wrist.  

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