Tuesday, December 20, 2016

He Just Can't Help It!

Finally... after waiting three years, Ramsey is excited and eager for Christmas!  He is interested in the ornaments (namely taking them off and giving them to us or playing with them!), the lights, the garland, stories about Santa Claus, and presents.  Yes, he has been excited about the presents!  May I reiterate.... FINALLYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!

The excitement allured us into opening a few presents early.  Ramsey didn't care who they were for, he just wanted the presents to be opened and he was going to be the helper.   So, on a few different evenings, we opened up a present.
Daddy got two tack light lanterns.
Ramsey got a Star Wars Storm Trooper with a walker.
We're looking forward to a wonderful Christmas this year.  Connor will be with us for both Christmas and New Years (to celebrate two Christmases - one here and one at Nana and Bumpa's!), plus Nana Karen and Uncle Lance will be here on Christmas Eve.  

In our nightly prayers, we're teaching Ramsey what Christmas is truly about; the birth of Jesus.  At Age 2, it's difficult to explain who Jesus is (other than saying he is God's, our creator's, son) or the extent of the reasons why we celebrate, but that will come in time.  

For now, it's just so very special to have a loving family and friends and to give thanks for our many blessings.

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