Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wild Goodness

Over the weekend, while Connor was playing with Riggs and scoping the yard for new treasures, he came upon a funky tree on the shore line that was growing large lovely cherry-sized fruits.
 He snapped a branch, full of these mystery berries from the tree and brought them in the house.  Saying a small mental prayer that they weren't completely toxic, I tried one.  It was delicious!  (I only tried one, in the event they were, in fact, noxious.)  The skin was a bit tart, but the inside was sweet and delicious.  And, it had a big seed/pit.    Was it a grape?  A miniature plum?  A cherry?
After an online investigation of these lovely juicy orbs, I concluded that they are wild plums!  The poor tree is mixed among a myriad other wild trees on the shore, so I'm amazed it's healthy enough to grow the fruit.   We'll be making additional trips out there to gather up more of these yummies!  And, making a mental note for next year.  :-)

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