Friday, January 25, 2019


Ramsey got to be "the leader" at school on his birthday.  The kids alternate who is leader and typically they are the leader once or twice per month.

Being the leader means all kinds of things.... you get to be the person who leads the group, brings the treats, and is the teacher's biggest helper.  Because of his birthday, he requested I make "red Oreo cupcakes".  Um.  Ok.   He knew that if I did that, he had to help.  :-)
Here, he's helping me mix up the ingredients for the Oreo buttercream frosting.   The kid snuck "bites" of [straight] butter from a stick!  (bleh!)
  I didn't post pics of him helping me with the red cake.  He had spilled some of the red-dyed cake mix onto his pants, so we had to strip him down!  Red stuff everywhere!!!
 In the end, we ended up with a few dozen bright red vanilla cupcakes, with an Oreo baked into the bottom, topped with the (severely addictive) Oreo buttercream, topped with Paw Patrol coins.  Also mandatory for his party at school: a gallon of milk to wash it all down!

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