Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Swimming Party

Eric took the afternoon off, as the boys had to move the boat lift.  The day was so perfect for swimming too.
Connor had invited his buddy Taye and Bridger also came along for the day (and for a sleepover).
  Since Ramsey completed his first round of swimming lessons, he is much more confident in the water.  He LOVES swimming!
Ramsey was very pleased with himself, as he swam around all on his own!
 I was jealous... I had to leave for a dental appointment and everyone else got to stay and swim.  No fair! ;-)
The next day, Connor, Taye, Bridger, and Ramsey went out again for more swim time.   
Riggs would whine incessantly if Connor would move more than a few inches away from him.  Connor found it humorous to tease him.   Listen closely to the video below... you may be able to hear Riggsy crying for his buddy.

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