Wednesday, August 21, 2019

First Days of School

How can this be?  How did the summer FLY BY so quickly?!?!  How is it that have a SENIOR in high school and a KINDERGARTENER!?!?  ...Nuts, it's really really nuts.

Connor was at his Mom's and he'd already checked in at high school a few weeks prior.  He was set to go.
But, for Ramsey, we were invited to the school's open house and another morning session to fill out paperwork and get a handle on things.

Eric took this picture of us at the open house, knowing full well I'd be a hot garbage mess the morning Ramsey would leave for school.
As a photo opp for this year (and years to come), I ordered a custom T-shirt for Ramsey.   Before I ordered the shirt, I had never figured out that he would be graduating in 2032!  That number seems ridiculous to me!
FIRST OFFICIAL PICS for the first day of school:
Yup, he wants to be a miner (he's still crazy for Minecraft).

And, that evening, we got to see Connor after his first day of school!
He didn't seem to think that being a senior was any big deal.
I, however, seriously beg to differ.  ;-)

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