Thursday, September 12, 2019

Cub Scouting Kiddo

 We officially have a Cub Scout in the household! 

Following in the footprints of his Daddy (Eagle Scout), Grandpa Orin (Eagle Scout), and Grandpa Mike (Boy Scout), Ramsey has joined the scouts as a Lion, in a den of similar-aged little boys.
They had two meetings this week; one at the rural fire department and another at the den leader's home.   
And, popcorn sales have begun.  Eric and I have already done some pre-selling.  Then, one of us will take Ramsey door to door in the neighborhood to learn the art of salesmanship.
In order to succeed into being a "Bobcat", among other things, Ramsey needs to learn the Cub Scout Oath:
"On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight."

During the Wednesday den meeting, the kids were challenged with an obstacle course.  Good thing the oath doesn't speak of "walking straight".
That evening, when we were saying our nightly prayers, Ramsey gave thanks for Cub Scouts.  He's having a great time, meeting new children, and will learn so much in the upcoming years.  Yes, thank you God for Cub-Scouting.  :-)

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