Friday, January 3, 2020

Snow-Tubing - Fun Way to Start the New Year

Ramsey had been chomping at the bit for our New Year's Day soiree; Connor was coming - AND he was bringing Bridger to stay overnight!
Not long after Connor and Bridger arrived, they all got bundled up for sledding.
Connor showed everyone "how it's done" and made some pathways to start the day.
Sidenote: You wouldn't catch me going down that hill face-first!!!
Then it was Bridger's turn!
Super Big Brubby Connor set everything up for Ramsey to have a turn, buddy-style.
Ramsey had decided his one turn was enough!  Scary crazy stuff!
Connor trying out the orange plastic saucer...
 And then, just play time!
 And snow-throwing.  I got the heck out of the way, but the boys were laughing their butts off.
 The snow was SO DEEP, I had sank into snow up to my butt.  That's where I stayed for quite some time!
 Ramsey joined me.  He thought it would be fun to smash snow into his face.... and then into mine!  Stinker!
 And then, I decided, I needed to to try out this new snow tube for myself.
I am prefacing the video stating that the hill is MUCH STEEPER than it looks!  It was invigorating, but crazy!  (When I got to the bottom, I caught a face-full of snow and had lost my sunglasses. Whoops.)
After about an hour, Connor decided he'd had enough and went inside.  I had the same thoughts.
 The littler boys stayed outside about a half hour longer.  Connor let Riggsy out (Eric said he was inside crying the whole time the boys were playing without him).  The boys were seemingly done tubing and just wanted to dig and throw snow.
Riggs was happy to join in.
 After the two tired littler guys headed in, we had snacks of hot chocolate with marshmallows and fresh chocolate chip cookies!
 And later for supper, it was heart-shaped pancakes, scrambled eggs, and fruit.  
Bedtime wasn't an issue at all; everyone was so pooped out, it was a welcome retreat.  :-)
But, then they did it all over again the next day!!

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