With all of the talks of spooks and ghouls, vampires, werewolves, and zombies, Ramsey was a little freaked out this year. Even Alexa said that there are actual zombies! ha!
Halloween 2020 was a Saturday this year, so we were able to sleep in. However, when Ramsey got up, he found this peculiar bloody red handprint on the patio door!
He found his magnifying glass to look for clues and see if he could decipher actual fingerprints.

It was a mystery! Or, maybe it was Dad playing a prank.
After lunch, we got ready to head to town for a couple of Trunk or Treat events at our church and another church. Ramsey got dressed up in his new Mandalorian costume, complete with his companion Baby Yoda (who, when squeezed, makes the sweetest baby noises and coos).
It was another windy Fall day, but we wore layers, so were in good shape.
Some of the Trunk or Treat vehicles surpised us again, with super fun and creative themes! Though I wanted him to, Ramsey refused to do a picture with the cardboard cut-out Ooma Loompa (he didn't know what an Oompa Loompa was - I had to show him when he got home!).
I thought this McDonald's themed one was the best!! So clever!
Everyone got a kick out of Ramsey's Baby Yoda.
On the way home, we stopped at a few neighbors' houses in search of yummy treats and to say hello. Then, we plopped on the couch, counted candy, snarfed a little, and relaxed a bit.
I had gazed out the window at about sunset. The colors were breath-taking! Since most of our windows face the East, we don't always catch the sunset - which is too bad.
Oddly... as if 2020 hasn't been eerie enough, on Halloween night, there was a full moon! It was huge and majestic.. but still a little creepy, given how this year has gone.
Happy Halloween!