Friday, January 15, 2021

Ramsey's First [Pet] Fish

 Ramsey got his first pet fish!  We'd talked about it in the past, but because his birthday was coming up, we decided to go for it.

Since there isn't a pet store in town anymore, we went to the home of a young man in town named Caleb (he's 14 and has his own pet business, selling fresh water and salt water fish, turtles, bearded dragons, iguanas, etc!).   Eric used to work with his Mom, so we had an inside track.  Ramsey had such fun going to his house and looking at all of the cold-blooded animals he has.

Ramsey picked out a plump orange goldfish that he "cleverly" named "Goldie".  When we brought him home, we placed him in the goldfish bowl.  Ramsey kept hugging the bowl and was excited!

After a few days, the fish seemed rather forlorn, so we decided to get out "the big tank" and fill it full of fun decorations.   The idea was to then get a few more fish so Goldie could have some friends.
We haven't gotten Goldie any buddies YET because we're treating the water (we suspect it has "ICH FISH").  Once we know that's under control, we'll go for it.  In the meantime, Goldie is an odd fish, always clinging to the water heater - sometimes swimming around to find food.  ...odd little dude, he is.

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