When we arrived, there were so many fun things to see, yummy things to eat, and wonderful people to chat with. There were delightful mason jars on the tables, with markers and little black squares of paper for all to write on - specifically memories, advice, or just a general note. Ramsey wrote his dear cousin a little note... it referenced her smarts and her "pretty smile". :-)
Sunday, May 30, 2021
Congrats to Miss Sadie - HS Graduate!
When we arrived, there were so many fun things to see, yummy things to eat, and wonderful people to chat with. There were delightful mason jars on the tables, with markers and little black squares of paper for all to write on - specifically memories, advice, or just a general note. Ramsey wrote his dear cousin a little note... it referenced her smarts and her "pretty smile". :-)
Saturday, May 29, 2021
"Make Hay"
Not just because fishing is relaxing and fun, but the food supply right now is plentiful! The old adage "make hay while the sun shines" is definitely pertinent to our dock-fishing exploits.
The bluegill, crappies, and perch are still biting. The walleye have moved out to cooler waters.
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
First Goal
I so wish I would have gotten that footage on video! Not to sound melodramatic, but it was almost like a movie, where the underdog gets a personal win (with a little - or.... a lot - of help from his friends).
Monday, May 24, 2021
Just Some Damn Cute Pics of a Puppy and His Daddy
I had to throw these pics in this blog. So cute!
On a slightly different note, Jango actually watches TV. We've never had a dog who actually watched TV. And, he doesn't give a rip about puppies on TV.... but he'll watch Game of Thrones, Alone, Wicked Tuna, or any of Eric's "Alaska shows". Too funny!
Sunday, May 23, 2021
Back Seat Buddies + "Buccaneers" Soccer
Jango's gotten to go with us to a few of Ramsey's soccer games. Ramsey loves having his pup with him in the back seat for road trips, even if they're short ones to the soccer fields.
This soccer day was picture day. Here's Ramsey's U7 soccer team.... "The Buccaneers". :-)Friday, May 21, 2021
Jango - My Good Traveler
Oh Jango.... what a sweet little pup. He's getting to be such a good traveler!
In this case, I just took him to the vet for another round of shots. But he was such a good boy and rode so well.The sunlight peering through the glass and the hum of the 4-cylinder engine puts him to sleep. Sweet little Jango. :-)
Thursday, May 20, 2021
Thursday Fun Night
Just your typical Thursday night.... a little bubble gun action, a kid on a Hot Wheels (AKA Hell On Wheels), and a playful pup.
Sunday, May 16, 2021
Sunday Picnic After Church
What a day! For just a typical Sunday, it was blissful and had such happy moments that made my heart smile.
To begin, it was our first time back to actual church... inside the sanctuary! Church had been open for quite some time, via reservation and mask-wearing, but since we hadn't been vaccinated and had high-risk family members, we opted out of in-church services. Our place of worship also had outside services (in-car), but again, we had opted out (just wasn't the same - but, we certainly could have gone in our pajamas without the hustle and bustle of trying to get ready - ha!).
Because puppy still had tummy issues, Ramsey and I attended; Eric remained behind to puppysit. Connor was staying elsewhere.
Being inside the sanctuary gave me such a euphoric feeling, with my heart nearly bursting with happiness - and my eyes welling up, with gratitude. I suppose it was from being in public again, surrounded by people, in a shared and caring environment, with everyone gathering for the same purpose. It was beautiful. And, better yet... NO MASKS!!!!
After church service, there was a picnic, with face-painting, bouncy castles, hot dogs and hamburgers, a cookie contest, and music. When we woke up that morning, the weather had been drizzly and dreary, to the point I figured the outside fun would be canceled. But, by the grace of God, the sun had come out by the time church ended, and it was gorgeous with blue skies and warm rays.
Ramsey was in heaven, between the bouncy castles and seeing some of his friends from soccer and bible school. I had to peel him away from the fun to come enjoy a bite to eat.
While he played more, I visited with people at the round folding tables, happy to meet new friends, as well as familiar faces and friends.
Saturday, May 15, 2021
An Afternoon Outing
So... Eric, gone to a pool tournament for the weekend. Connor... with his friends, doing his thang. Just Ramsey and me and Jango. It's a beautiful day and we decided we could just just sit around!
We called The Girls and loaded up in the jeep. We had a fun afternoon of pigging out at the Twist Cone (it was "interesting" with puppy there, getting so much attention - but he eventually settled down), then off to the park on the lake, and finally back home to run wild!
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Jango - Growing at Warp Speed!
Jango is growing at a mad speed! When he was at the vet for shots on April 21st, he weighed 24 lbs. One month prior, he weighed 12.5 lbs, so he nearly doubled his weight in one month! When we weighed him yesterday, he weighed a whopping 41 lbs! Forty one pounds at 14 weeks... crazy!
The breeder reached out to the litter's new owners via Facebook to get updates yesterday. All of the other pups were between 24 and 28 lbs. Jango has definitely superceded our expectations for his size and is the giant of his litter. Eric joked that we should give him his old name (from the breeder) back; "Tank".
Sidenote: As of the last two weeks, Jango has had a very upset G.I. tract (you can gather what this means!). His diet hadn't changed, he didn't eat anything odd... After those things were ruled out, we then assumed it was anxiety. After we ruled that out as a possibility, as the days progressed, we decided he needed to see the vet. They did poo samples and checked him out. The tests came back fine. The vet said, "His paws are like giant clubs." And, she informed us that sometimes when pups are growing SO rapidly, their body just gets out of whack and needs time to adapt. He's now taking probiotics, eating probiotic yogurt, and I made him some healthy cookies to give his diet more bulk. We're shocked that he's gaining weight so rapidly, considering his tummy issues.
Eric and I have both done some research online for how large Jango will get. An estimation using the information Eric read online shows Jango will be 102 lbs. The online calculator I punched numbers into shows that he could be 153 lbs! Ha! I certainly hope he doesn't get quite that large; dog food will to be awfully expensive!
Monday, May 10, 2021
Surprise Visitor
On the Friday that Connor moved out of his dorms, he came back home with a surprise guest - Bridger! We were all quite shocked to see him. To say that Ramsey was over the moon is an understatement!
Bridger ended upstaying with us the entire weekend and left on Sunday afternoon to head back with his Mom, West River.As it turns out, Bridger will be staying back here quite a bit with his Dad before they all go back to Rapid City to stay there permantly (in August). We'll be seeing him quite a lot this summer.
Sunday, May 9, 2021
Happy Mother's Day!
Q&A with Ramsey - for Mother's Day
Ramsey: "I love you!"
Ramsey: "When I hug you."
Ramsey: "When I don't listen."
Ramsey: "You're a funny individual!"
Ramsey: "You showed cattle. And, you loved a wooden chair. It is in my bedroom." (Ramsey is referring to a brown child-size rocking chair that was mine when I was little. My Mom had it made for me. A blind man actually made it. My aunt painted daisies on it. It's his little reading chair now.)
Ramsey: "44"
Ramsey: "Uhhh.... seven foot?!?!"
Ramsey: "Kiss me!"
Ramsey: "You take care of the puppy and work."
Ramsey: "Taking the dog for poops."
Ramsey: "Hiding my Kindle sometimes." (Wrong! ha!)
Ramsey: "Works for [name of my company]."
Ramsey: "Salad."
Ramsey: "Giving me my Kindle." (scratching head here)
Ramsey: "I don't want to answer that one. It would be a little weird." After me continuing to press, he stated "Princess Leia".
Ramsey: "Watch movies and have snacks."
Ramsey: "You say it a lot!"
Ramsey: "He is a good parent."
Ramsey: "Nana Karen's."
Ramsey: "I don't remember." Then, doing the math, he replied, "37."
Ramsey: "For being so good at your job."
Ramsey: "We love each other."
Ramsey: "I am a boy and you're a girl."
Ramsey: "Kiss you and watch movies!"
Ramsey: "Your mole."