Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving!

 After NOT being able to be with family for Thanksgiving last year, we looked forward to hosting this year's festivities and seeing everyone.    The weather looked to be ideal, with no forecasted snow or nastiness!  Score!

When Ramsey got home on Wednesday, we started prepping food for Thursday.  He learned how to peel potatoes and was my sous chef for a few hours, helping me make mashed potatoes ahead of time.

It wasn't easy for his little hands, but he kept working at it.  Frustrated at first, he got the hang of it and we worked well as a potato-peeling team.
On Thanksgiving Day, we were happy to see Nana Vicki and Bumpa, Uncle Cory, and Nana Karen.   Connor wasn't with us this year, as he went out west to be with his Mom, Kevin, and Bridger.  (We will see him for Christmas!!!)
When I asked Cory to "look at me" for a picture, he did.  But, I also asked him to "stop rocking".  Wrong choice of words, Kara!  ha!
It was so nice to be together - to be reminded of what (who!) the most important things are in life.
Nana had a broken tooth here (which will be fixed soon) - just sayin'.  LOL!  
At the end of the day, our tummies were full and our hearts were happy.   Happy Thanksgiving!

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