Thursday, February 24, 2022

Nana K's New Digs

 February... it's a month that was nearly dedicated to moving Nana Karen to an assisted living village.  This meant packing up, sorting through, trips to the dump, Goodwill, selling.  Then, unpacking, decorating, and cleaning out the old place. That was the SHORT SHORT version.  

I'm bushed.  ...pretty sure I either have a shoulder impingement or a torn rotator cuff to boot.  🥴

 But... it's a new chapter for Nana K for sure.  And, it's a very very very good thing.

We moved Mom on seriously THE COLDEST day of the year; February 1st.  The temperature high for the day was negative zero and the winds blew ferociously.  It was the day we "had" to move in, so there was no getting around it.   However, for the rest of the month, we did take time to fill in with smaller items and such.

We were able to set up her bed and a few pictures before she moved in.  When she got there, I wanted her to see the place and say "wow, this is nice" and not think "good grief, this is terrible".  

We visit frequently.  Ramsey was SO worried that we would be selling or donating all of his toys from Nana's place.  Of course we would do no such thing!
In addition to the move, there were a LOT of medical appointments to endure; dental, vision, general medical, check-ups, etc.  January was the same.  It's been a BUSY few months here!   But, Nana is settling in.  And, the people at her complex are absolutely amazing.  We are so very blessed that she is there!  Love you, Momma!

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Jango Puppy

 Our cute puppy, spoiled as hell... lounging on the daybed while I work, chilling with my childhood dolls.

This night, Ramsey thought Jango really needed to learn how to count.  He decided to start instructing.
A few days later, while Eric was out of town for business, I decided Pups should get a bath.  It had been WAY too long.  Now, normally Jango LOVES baths and he is so good about them!
NOT TONIGHT.  Tonight, he was a total stinker that would not step foot inside the bath tub.  

I tried.  And, I tried.  A 95 lb dog is too much for me to manhandle.  I really gave it my all, but I ended up getting a bump on my head from the struggle.

I put one of his shin bone treats in the tub, hoping he'd give a girl a break.  Nope!
I finally gave up.  I swore.  A lot.   Now, it's Eric's turn! Ha!!!  

Monday, February 7, 2022

Light Sabers & Axes

 Ramsey is ALL about the weapons, may that be axes, swords, lights sabers, guns, or just plain sticks.  He is a boy's boy all the way, in that fashion.

Here's some more mad moves with the light saber too.  I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally wish they had a fencing club here.  Darn!

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Reading to Recess Jan '22

 And another benchmark... Reading to Recess for January!

Another free recess and another free personal pan pizza.   ...a bit of a smaller group this time.  

Kudos to these kids!

Happy Birthday, Connor! #20

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Connor!  Twenty.   Two decades old.  College student, rocking it out like a boss.  We are so proud of you, kiddo!   Where... does... the... time... go?!?