Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Jango Puppy

 Our cute puppy, spoiled as hell... lounging on the daybed while I work, chilling with my childhood dolls.

This night, Ramsey thought Jango really needed to learn how to count.  He decided to start instructing.
A few days later, while Eric was out of town for business, I decided Pups should get a bath.  It had been WAY too long.  Now, normally Jango LOVES baths and he is so good about them!
NOT TONIGHT.  Tonight, he was a total stinker that would not step foot inside the bath tub.  

I tried.  And, I tried.  A 95 lb dog is too much for me to manhandle.  I really gave it my all, but I ended up getting a bump on my head from the struggle.

I put one of his shin bone treats in the tub, hoping he'd give a girl a break.  Nope!
I finally gave up.  I swore.  A lot.   Now, it's Eric's turn! Ha!!!  

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