Friday, July 29, 2022

Summer Soccer Camp

The summer has flown by SO quickly!  By the time summer soccer camp rolls around, the impeding thoughts that school is just around the corner start to sink in.  

This year, the Little Eagles Soccer Camp had nicer weather for the one hour 3-day evening events.  The event is held by the high school soccer club, plus additional volunteers from the area.

There were drills for footwork, fun relays (crab walks, cartwheels, dribbling, back-pedaling, bear crawls), and mini games.   I don't know how I forgot to take a pic of Ramsey in his soccer gear!
One evening, we had to go to the grocery store afterwards to pick up a few items.  I found it humorous that Ramsey needed to use the car cart!  
We weren't there long, but he had fun cruising around the store.   When we went to leave, the kid has grown so much, he could barely get out!!  
Until next year, Little Eagles.  Thanks for another fun learning experience.

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