Friday, July 29, 2022

Summer Soccer Camp

The summer has flown by SO quickly!  By the time summer soccer camp rolls around, the impeding thoughts that school is just around the corner start to sink in.  

This year, the Little Eagles Soccer Camp had nicer weather for the one hour 3-day evening events.  The event is held by the high school soccer club, plus additional volunteers from the area.

There were drills for footwork, fun relays (crab walks, cartwheels, dribbling, back-pedaling, bear crawls), and mini games.   I don't know how I forgot to take a pic of Ramsey in his soccer gear!
One evening, we had to go to the grocery store afterwards to pick up a few items.  I found it humorous that Ramsey needed to use the car cart!  
We weren't there long, but he had fun cruising around the store.   When we went to leave, the kid has grown so much, he could barely get out!!  
Until next year, Little Eagles.  Thanks for another fun learning experience.

Thursday, July 28, 2022

Happy Birthday to This Guy!

Happy Birthday to THIS special guy!   Another year around the sun is such a gift.   We love you!

Because Eric is on his Keto diet, I made him Keto brownies instead of birthday cake.  Top it off with some sugar free whipped cream and a lit candle, and voila!  Even the boys liked them.  😉🎂
Instead of going out for supper or leaving the house for Eric's birthday, we spent time hanging out, part of which Eric and the boys played video games in the family room.    Pretty sure Eric got his butt whooped in Call of Duty.

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Pontoon Poker Run Fun

 Due to the storms on July 3rd, the lake assocation pushed the fireworks display to the night before the poker run.   Connor was on his "guy trip" and Ramsey went to stay with Nana and Bumpa, so it was just Eric and me for the festivities.  

Here's Ramsey and Riley at bedtime.  Ramsey was pleased to have another puppy sleeping buddy! 

Eric drove the truck into the ditch so we had the absolute best view for watching the fireworks.   He looks thrilled here, right?  ha!  (It was rather warm and humid... and there were bugs.)

  Of course, fireworks don't show up well with my phone, but they... were... AMAZING.  They're shot off so close to our house that literally, there were times that fireworks "shrapnel" was fall all around us (and even ON us!).  The explosions were huge and breathtaking... and they lasted for about 45 minutes.

The next day, on Saturday, was the annual pontoon poker run.   We had invited two other couples to come with us.   We first checked in at the resort to draw our hands of poker (no one had a superb hand by any means), checked out the silent auction items, grabbed our dock stop map, and then hopped back into the pontoon to start the run.
Each dock stop had adult beverages (mostly shots!) and some had snacks.  We also brought along charcuterie and other munchies for the afternoon.
This was Eric's favorite dock stop.  It was our neighbor's place.  They had called in a local award-winning brew pub/pizza joint with some of their homemade ales.   Their "Steampunk Ale" was a boat favorite!
Though none of us won a new Maui mat, "Beer for a Year", gift cards, or other such prizes, it was a super fun afternoon.    

Thursday, July 21, 2022

For the Love of Water!

 The water... gliding over it with the warmth of the sun and good people around.   I can't even tell you how much I love it.   It's the only place I have absolutely ZERO worries in the world.  It's also a great place to reconnect with my handsome guys, chatting, laughing, and enjoying the time.  On the water, there's no distractions except the surrounding beauty.   

Today, Connor was leaving for his "guy trip" for fishing and fun, to the western part of the state.  I had to snap a picture before he left.   He packed LIGHT.  But, he didn't forget his party hat!

When we got on the water, we were hoping to catch a fish to occupy Ramsey's little hands and mind.  Score!  A hungry crappie bit my outside/planer board line.  

We trolled for hours and went in after we watched the sun set.
Best... times... ever!

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Child Labor

 Ya... so... more rain, more storms... cause branches to be down or break.   But, we are able to catch a few funny pictures along the way.  

Eric cut branches and Ramsey and I hauled them to be burned.  Good times. 
I think Ramsey got a few branches like this up the hill before he "disappeared" to his play set and played with Jango.  From the looks on his face, we really look like mean parents.  😁

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

New Hobbies

 After we returned from the cabin, Ramsey wanted a diamond painting.  Because he loves all things military and war, I bought him a soldier painting and another patriotric print.

And, he'd been dying to learn how to play chess.  He still hasn't mastered checkers, but he insisted to learn chess!
He's been doing rather well and improving a lot!  He doesn't like to lose and no one seems to go very easy on him.  AHEM.  Dad.  Cough cough!  🤨😁😉
Other inside family activities/hobbies with Mom and Dad include playing "Sorry!" (and kicking our butts to boot!).   

Sunday, July 10, 2022

Cabin Trip

 Our cabin trip was cut short, due to water levels (fear of more rain at home, causing dock/lift/pontoon to be damaged).   And, since our trip was late, we missed spending time with Cory, Troy, Sarah, Sadie, and Isaac.    We did LOVE seeing Nana, Bumpa, and the puppies though.  Jango was happy to see other dogs!

The trip up was cute, but the two littlest boys were constantly messing with each other.  Sometimes it was sweet, sometimes it got a little wild.  Posting pics of the sweet times only. 🤣
Nana and Bumpa's puppies (Bailey and Riley) got lots of extra attention when the boys were around, snuggling in where ever they could find room. 
For inside activities, Bumpa played word games with Ramsey on the iPad.

And, Nana showed Ramsey how to do a "diamond painting".   Ramsey stayed with it for quite a while at various times!
We left earlier again, due to concerns with Nana K and water levels.   We are looking forward to another trip to see everyone soon!  🥰😍

Monday, July 4, 2022

Happy 4th of July

 Our 4th this year was quite different than normal years.  We had to push our trip to the cabin back a few days to accommodate all of the goings-on.

Nana K had been in the hospital for five days (June 27-July 1) and had to be released into a nursing home.  Over the weekend, I drove in daily so she could get some physical therapy she desperately needed in order to get out of the nursing facility and back into her apartment.  Long story.  Ugh.

And, Connor was scheduled to work (a very busy time at the lake where he was able to make a nice chunk in tips).

Early on the evening of July 3rd, a jet fly-by had been scheduled.  Apparently our area has the largest number of privately owned jets, so they made it a "thing" to fly over.   Many missed it, due to the clouds and where they flew over on the lake. 

At dark, the same evening, the lake association had planned to have the fireworks display on the point, near our house.  Due to unsatisfactory weather conditions (large storms rolling through with heavy rains and hail), the fireworks were postponed to another time (date yet TBD).  

Instead of watching fireworks, Eric, Ramsey, and I watched/listened to Sabaton videos on YouTube (Ramsey jammed out a LOT - gave himself a [not-so-] mild case of whiplash.

And, we put a puppy puzzle together while the thunder roared outside.

During the pouring rain, Eric had decided to go down to the lake to remove the panels from dock, knowing it would become submerged again.  And, he certainly didn't want to have to go diving for the panels later.   Prior to our departure to the cabin, he tired the pontoon to the lift on all four corners to ensure it wouldn't "go anywhere".   Ugh...

Saturday, July 2, 2022

Summer Flower-Watering

 Me:  "Ramsey, do you want to come outside with me and help me water the flowers?"

Ramsey:  "Sure!"