Thursday, October 20, 2022

Creative Writing Assignment; "Frogs"

 Ramsey is growing up.  He quickly reminds me of this when I see some of his assignments he completes at school.  Ramsey had been telling us about a fun project his entire class had been working on for quite a while - all about the rainforest.

When I arrived at conferences, his teacher showed me all of the essays that the kids wrote about an animal they were assigned.   Ramsey got "Frogs".  :-)    Each child had to research the animals and note factual information, then draw and cut out their animal for the bulletin boards that reside in the hallways for all to see.

All of the creations by the kiddos were very impressive!  It was a wonderful display of creativity, talent, and hard work.
Here's Ramsey's frog!   I had to chuckle, as it looks very animated and happy.   Good job, little buddy!
All of the 3rd Graders' essays were also posted on the hallway bulletin boards for others to read and learn about the rain forest animals.

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