Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Nana Karen's First

 Nana K doesn't get out like she used to.   But, it's been a long winter, so why not?!?  The wind was "only" at 25mph and the temp was about 15°.  

I dragged her to Walmart to get a few groceries for her apartment.  And, I needed a new smallish suitcase for my upcoming trip to Ohio to see Dad and Judi.

Much to our surprise, they no longer have the wheelchairs with carts on the front....sooo... I couldn't push her.  Uh oh.  Mom isn't exactly a marathon walker anymore and she can't hop inside a cart basket like Ramsey can!  We went with the only other option... the ELECTRIC SCOOTER.  I looked at this mechanism as a vehicle of death and doom and mayhem (to oncoming shoppers)!   We asked for a quick training session.  That went about as well as I expected.  🥴  I was scared.  Deeply... mortifyingly scared.  But also very intrigued at the same time. 🤣

Mom has a pretty terrific sense of humor (at least a few people I know think so - ha!), so she scooted along, made funny "Vroom Vroom" noises, and winked at people whilst telling them she was "gonna get 'em".  🤣   It was a good time.  And, she got the hang of it.  I was shocked and pleasantly surprised.

Good job, Momma.  Good job. 😉😎

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