Friday, February 20, 2015

No Picasso.... But It's A Start!

Ramsey is no Picasso.  He's no Rembrandt or Leonardo.  But, I let him play with my highlighters today and this is what he came up with.  His first "masterpiece"!
It actually says "Mommy is THE BEST".  Ha!    :-)

All About The Hoops

Connor's love for basketball has escalated this year.  He's continued to progress and has had some good games and great scrimmages!
His team (The Golden Eagles) have played games against many larger towns in the 150-mile radius.

He's #23 below.

Dribbling here...
Below is Connor setting up for a bounce pass, which assisted a score.
Guarding the tall player here:
And taking a breather to cheer his teammates on.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Crazy Hair

After a nap.... 'nuf said!


Ramsey LOVES music.  In fact, he has quite the dichotomy of "flavors" when it comes to music.

We started out with "Danny Boy" and other mellow lullaby songs sung by Daddy and yours truly.   During Ramsey's first few months, if he was fussy or crying, Daddy could start singing Danny Boy to him and he would instantly stop!

Then, we found You Tube (ok, gotta give props... Daddy found You Tube!).  It turns out, Danny Boy has a million versions, of which, his favorites are sung by The King's Singers of England and BYU Vocal Point.  (These are his "sleep songs").

For entertainment, he loves "Wheels on the Bus" and other baby and toddler-type songs.  And, he likes Disney (he adores Belle's singing from Beauty and the Beast).   In the last few months, he's developed a love for Barbershop Music and A Capella (again, thank you You Tube!).   Of the A Capella, he loves a version of Blue Suede's "Hooked on a Feeling" from the 70's and the Super Mario Brothers theme song, both sung by a French guy named Julien Neel.

Now... well, now we have evolved into something completely different.  Oh boy... You've been...

As a former headbanger, I'm not sure to be proud... or scared!  :-)

Centuries-old Irish lullaby/folk song Danny Boy and AC/DC's Thunderstruck.... quite the dichotomy.

Bucket Head, Bucket Head, We Love Our Little Bucket Head

Connor's a funny kid; a widely-proclaimed class clown who will do about anything for a laugh.   I think we have another young budding yuckster in the making.

With all of the fun toys and books that Ramsey has, one of his favorite toys is this old ice cream pail that's sutured back together with duct tape.  Go figure!
The boys have a lot of fun together.    What a couple of sweeties.  :-)

We Have a Walker! Ramsey's First ("Big") Steps

Ramsey is now officially a toddler, taking his first "big steps" last night!  It was so exciting!!

Back in September, he took a few steps to Eric from the couch (of course, no video - argh!), but last night, he took the plunge and excitedly walked to Eric numerous times.  He was already all jacked up from listening to his favorite music on You Tube, so Eric took that opportunity to try to get him to go for it.

He'd been "on the verge" of walking for quite a while, but I knew he'd be walking this week.  He had his 12 month check-up (and shots) in the afternoon and his doctor laughed (while Ramsey was tooling all over the office) that it'd be "any day now" too.

Whoah Boy... We Have a Teenager in the House!

Happy 13th Birthday Connor!!

 From this sweet little chubby-cheeked baby....
to this little spunky toddler...

to our bright-eyed charming 6-year-old.... (Below is right after I met Connor in 2008!)
to our happy fisherman....
to our smart and sweet TEENAGER:
Oh, how time flies!

On Saturday, Connor was at his Mom's.  She had a swimming party for him and a handful of his friends at a local hotel.   They had fun pigging out on pizza and donuts, playing ping pong too.  Eric, Ramsey, and I stopped in for a little while to say howdy and have some fun.
When we had Connor on Monday night, we too celebrated with him.  We chowed down on burgers and malts, sang Happy Birthday, and gave him his presents.

We love you sweetie!