Tuesday, February 3, 2015


Ramsey LOVES music.  In fact, he has quite the dichotomy of "flavors" when it comes to music.

We started out with "Danny Boy" and other mellow lullaby songs sung by Daddy and yours truly.   During Ramsey's first few months, if he was fussy or crying, Daddy could start singing Danny Boy to him and he would instantly stop!

Then, we found You Tube (ok, gotta give props... Daddy found You Tube!).  It turns out, Danny Boy has a million versions, of which, his favorites are sung by The King's Singers of England and BYU Vocal Point.  (These are his "sleep songs").

For entertainment, he loves "Wheels on the Bus" and other baby and toddler-type songs.  And, he likes Disney (he adores Belle's singing from Beauty and the Beast).   In the last few months, he's developed a love for Barbershop Music and A Capella (again, thank you You Tube!).   Of the A Capella, he loves a version of Blue Suede's "Hooked on a Feeling" from the 70's and the Super Mario Brothers theme song, both sung by a French guy named Julien Neel.

Now... well, now we have evolved into something completely different.  Oh boy... You've been...

As a former headbanger, I'm not sure to be proud... or scared!  :-)

Centuries-old Irish lullaby/folk song Danny Boy and AC/DC's Thunderstruck.... quite the dichotomy.

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