Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Whoah Boy... We Have a Teenager in the House!

Happy 13th Birthday Connor!!

 From this sweet little chubby-cheeked baby....
to this little spunky toddler...

to our bright-eyed charming 6-year-old.... (Below is right after I met Connor in 2008!)
to our happy fisherman....
to our smart and sweet TEENAGER:
Oh, how time flies!

On Saturday, Connor was at his Mom's.  She had a swimming party for him and a handful of his friends at a local hotel.   They had fun pigging out on pizza and donuts, playing ping pong too.  Eric, Ramsey, and I stopped in for a little while to say howdy and have some fun.
When we had Connor on Monday night, we too celebrated with him.  We chowed down on burgers and malts, sang Happy Birthday, and gave him his presents.

We love you sweetie!

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