Tuesday, March 10, 2015

C'Mon, That's Precious!

Of course I am biased, but I have a pretty sweet crew around here.  :-)

Nap time.  
Every day, Riggsy bowls his way into the room to snooze next to Ramsey. Yes, he has his own pillows too.  (Spoiled!)
Family time, opening presents.
Connor, you're not too old to be precious too!  You're a great Big Brubby!
One of our "barricades" in the living room (our antique fainting bench - which needs to be recovered and refinished).  Riggs and Ramsey were both resting their chins, after playing (i.e. trading toys back and forth - and Riggs running off with them half the time!).
Big mohawk during bath time.
A bang trim by Auntie Shana at her salon.  He did so well!!  No tears.  
We couldn't bear to cut anything but his bangs!
Ramsey's hugs are precious too; they make us melt.  His new thing is hugging....all of his loved ones and his beloved toys (Hug-Me Elmo is finally getting hugs too).  He has quite a grip!

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