Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Winter Fun for Ramsey - a Few Firsts!

Last weekend's weather was TOO WONDERFUL not to take advantage of.   Until last Friday, Ramsey hadn't had the opportunity to wear his never-worn snow pants or be outside to play; it had just always been too darn cold or windy.

Friday night, we ventured out with Daddy to ice fish.  On the way down, I gave Ramsey his first sled ride.  He laughed the whole way down the hill.  Eric said he could hear him giggling the entire time from his ice house, half way across the lake!
We fished for a while, but didn't have a lot of luck; no keepers.  But, Ramsey sat really well and we had a fun evening in the warm cozy ice house.
Saturday, we took Riggs out to play and fetch.  By the afternoon, the weather had warmed up so much that most of the snow in the yard was gone, so no chance of a second sledding day.  We all got a little muddy too (ok, a lot muddy)!

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