Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Precious Moments

Nope, I'm not talking about the ivory and pastel-colored collectible porcelain figurines with over-sized craniums and big sad-looking doe eyes, I'm referring to sweet glimpses in time with my super adorable, ever-endearing, and positively lovable boys!

I didn't have one main focus for a new post for my babes, so here's a few pictures and videos that I, biased as all get-out, find utterly beautiful and charming.  As a mother, I am allowed.  :-)

Big Brubby Connor and Ramsey were hanging out, watching some YouTube in Daddy's chair.
Connor plays so nice with Ramsey!
Ramsey loves his puppy.  Ramsey loves feeeeeeeeeding his puppy.  Good thing he doesn't like to taste dog food anymore.
Ramsey has figured out that, if you spin around a lot, you get a dizzy head rush.  Oh, what an achievement!  I don't think my online toddler forums would name this as a milestone!  lol 
The perfect chocolate pudding mustache:
Chillin' out with Daddy... playing the "beep beep nose" game.

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