Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tiny Dancer

So Ramsey is a ham... a ham who loves to dance... and be applauded for his mad skills.  Below are a few videos of his talents.   A Fred Astaire he is not!  (Yet!)  :-)

He has quite a range in music (some that you'll see below); ranging from The Oak Ridge Boys ("Elvira") to the 90's dance club hit "Cotton Eye Joe" by The Rednex, Mylie Cyrus (this pains us, but she has catchy tunes), the Gummy Bear Song, the Hamster Dance, and a comedic made-up song about a "Guy on a Buffalo" (YouTube this one - it's hilarious - all four parts!).

Speaking of Tiny Dancer... we haven't introduced him to Elton John yet!  Hmmmm.....
He's just now entering a Michael Buble kick!

(Give this one about thirty seconds for him to get warmed up.)  Note: Due to copyright infringements that YouTube found with the video, I had to delete the sound (Cotton-Eye Joe by The Rednex) and I had to insert this alternate version.

He'd been dancing to this one for a while.  Of course, I didn't get the really funny bits on camera.  Of course!!!!

He's still a big fan of barber shop/A Capella, AC/DC, and Sesame Street songs.

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