Thursday, August 13, 2015

Ramsey's Favorite PastTimes

Ramsey's a busy little boy.  He keeps us on our toes and life with Ramsey is very eventful!   He's got so many things that he loves to do now.  His favorite things:

Playing with his Mega Block.
It appears Daddy likes playing with them too!  Dude, I get it... They're fun!   :-)
Um, I just said "dude". 
Hanging out with (or "on") Riggs....
Blowing bubbles.....
Riding in the truck cart at Menards....
The Kindle.
Nana had left the room for a few seconds and, when she returned, Ramsey had grabbed her pillow from the chair.... and her Kindle!   He's already very savvy at maneuvering through the screens and finding his "shows" on YouTube!  

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