Tuesday, September 1, 2015

A Visit From Grandpa

Dad and Judi made their yearly trip up north in late August.   We got together twice during their brief visit to spend quality time and catch up.

The night they came to our house, Ramsey showed them just how active he is.  :-)    Dad didn't remember me having that much energy!  

Grandpa brought Ramsey some gifts and mementos; commemorative soda bottles (one from The Lamport Soda company from the early part of the 20th century, SD and ND Coke centennial bottles, and an antique Dr Pepper bottle), a charm bracelet that was given to him by his grandmother, and a small wicker chair that was his when he was a child.  The chair was actually my favorite as a child when I watched TV with Grandma and Grandpa L during overnight stays.   Family Feud, All in the Family, and Alice were my favorites to watch with them!  Odd that I remember that.  :-)


Our next visit was a night out at our favorite eating spot in Aberdeen.  

Many miles are between us and the time does certainly fly.  Ramsey changed a lot since their last visit and I'm sure his growth and such will surprise them the next time around too.

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