Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Fun with Family

Over Labor Day weekend, Eric, Ramsey, Riggs, and I headed up North for a family visit (Connor was at his Mom's house, not feeling well).   Uncle Gary had driven straight through from California (road warrior!!) in his zippy sports car to stay for ten days.  

On Saturday, we had a lot of fun and friendly conversation and took a ton of pictures.
 Eric hadn't seen him in many years and neither Ramsey nor I had met him until now.
We're very blessed that he is family and it was wonderful to finally meet Nana's brother!
 Uncle Gary has great hair, huh!?!?!  :-)  ...heckuva nice guy. 

On Sunday, the "big boys" went to a nearby lake to go fishing (they caught a few walleye).   
Later in the day, Auntie Sarah, Sadie, Isaac, Ramsey, and I walked to the park, just a few blocks from Nana and Bumpa's house.

Ramsey was in heaven with all of the slides (his favorite!), rocks (his second favorite thing), and the rock-climbing dome (a new favorite - he kept going back to it, again and again).   And, he was happily spoiled, getting so much attention from his awesome cousins and auntie.

Of course it's head-first down the slide!!
Sadie and Isaac were so good helping him up and down, and directing him to the slides.

There were some cool playground drums too to whack on.

Isaac was showing off his monkey-like climbing abilities.  Here he is as "King of the Jungle Gym".
More slide action....

...such a fun weekend!!
We truly are blessed to have such a great family.

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