Sunday, November 1, 2015

A Very Toddler Halloween

Halloween... such a FUN holiday for kids.   Admittedly, it's one of my favorite holidays and I yearn to be a kid again.  
On the big day, we dressed Ramsey up in his red dragon costume and headed to town to do a bit of trick-or-treating.   Connor was at his Mom's this year again, so couldn't join in the fun with us.

We first stopped at an area church that had festivities for the kids (games, prizes, giant air-jumpers).  On the way in, they had a "Trunk or Treat" set up, with vehicles lined up tail-gating style, decorated to the hilt with beautiful Fall, Duck Dynasty, and "Diva" themes...  And, Ramsey's favorite:

LEGO THEME, complete with giant Legos, Lego trucks, cars, helicopters, and more.  
That was it.  He wanted IN THAT TRUCK!  (Two of his favorite things, combined: Legos and cars.)

We couldn't stay at the Lego truck forever, so, much to Ramsey's chagrin, we moved on.   Thereafter, he was still quite transfixed on Legos.  When we went inside, he was very "sad".  (lol - poor kid!)

 We got a few treats there, looked around at all of the fun things, then decided we'd leave, run a quick errand, and go home.  We ate a few pieces of chocolate to divert the attention from the lovely Legos (er- lack thereof), and enjoyed the rest of our Halloween evening.

We're already looking forward to next year though.  By then, Ramsey should be big enough to do some door-to-door trick-or-treating, play the kids' games at the church event and bounce in the giant jumper by himself (without getting trampled).  :-)

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