Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Lights and Sirens, Oh My!

Ramsey has been to the police department where Daddy works a few times.  But, he's never gotten to see all of the cool police cars that have awesome lights and sirens!

Connor, Ramsey, and I went to visit Eric during a quick trip to town.   Ramsey was excited and, while he was running down the hall to the big garage with the cars, he fell and smacked his forehead on the hard floor.   Oops.  ..not a good start!   ( case you're wondering what the big knob on his head is in the pictures!)

We went into garage, full of police cars and SUVs.  Ramsey is obsessed with matchbox cars and his larger police car and 4x4 trucks, so his crying (from the fall) stopped and his eyes got BIG.

Daddy turned on the lights - good stuff!  Smiles!  Then, he turned on the sirens.  TOO LOUD!  And, apparently a bit too scary for Ramsey.  His bottom lip started to quiver and he buried his head into my shoulder.   The sirens will probably be cooler in another year or so!

Then, the boys went to see the statue of the police officer with the little boy.   There were cars going by, so Ramsey was entranced.   Connor's smiling nice - as usual!  :-)

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