Thursday, December 17, 2015

Fun with Fundraising!

We all know the joys of youth sports and the even bigger joys of youth sports fundraising!

Connor is participating in basketball again this year.   They received their fundraising packets on a Monday (after practice).  They only had until Friday to sell their goods (this year, it's beef jerky).   There are no individual prizes for top sellers, per se, but the 8th grade boys are competing against the 7th grade boys.  Whichever grade wins the mini competition receives the "major award" of skipping a practice and going to watch the high school team practice (and, the best part - a pizza party during the visit to the high school).

Our dear Mr. Connor was vehement about raising a ton of money.  His OCD really kicked in and he went out every night in the neighborhoods (at his Mom's place and at our place).  It was cold and windy in the evenings, but he bundled up and went knocking, door to door.

Connor raised... are you ready?

$500!!   WHOO HOO!    We are so proud of you, Connor!   

We will find out in a few days who won; the 7th graders or the 8th graders.  Will pizza be in the near future?  Connor is sure hoping so!

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