Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Ramsey Uses "The Force"

So many in this family are either Star Wars FREAKS (you know who you are - and, it's OK!) or are at least familiar with the concept and main points.    With the release of the new Star Wars movie coming up this week, the boys around here are getting excited - to say the very least.   And, Eric is determined to turn Ramsey into a Star Wars nut in order to blend in with the fam.

To preface the movie clips below, Ramsey has been doing this new "move" where he throws his hands up/forward and points at us (or the TV, or the dog, or....).   The other night, Eric laughed, "He's using The Force" - like Darth Vader.   So, since then, we've been playing like we're getting blasted when he throws his new move at us.  He goes bananas!

Last night, Ramsey was on one of his Force terrors again while playing with us.

And another....

Sorry, still more!

 And here we have a pivotal moment where he's using The Force, then running after us.  Then, it's "chase time", plus a few scares and screams.

And finally, the moment Connor was the most proud of.... "The Big Scream".

After this one, we did advise to ease up - er, quit!  This, although it was funny, was a bit much!  
No more excessive scaring!!!   Connor got a much-deserved whack on the head after this one.  lol

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