Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Glorious Sunny Days in March

I couldn't help but post a few pictures of the WONDERFUL SUNNY BEAUTIFUL DAYS that we've had in March!  Both weekends, it's been so glorious that we've been able to get out and about, go to the park, and play with Riggs.

Weekend 1:  Wylie Park!  70 Degrees.  LOTS of kids playing there, enjoying the day.   We hadn't been to this part of the park before.  They had a play set for big kids and a play set for smaller children.  Yup, Ramsey preferred the larger one.  We had to be careful for the big kids who were playing tag on the tornado slides.  It got quite wild!
After School, during the week:   With Connor here, we all went outside to play with Riggs and RUN WILD!   Everyone needed to burn off some energy.
The cabin fever had gotten to its boiling point!
This little man was ready to play!

 So ready, that he wouldn't be still for one picture!!!  
Connor's always sporting a smile though.
 The boys played fetch with Riggs for the longest time.   I had to take Ramsey inside (more than once!) to wash his hands.  He kept finding dog bombs!  Eh!   (We soon remedied that and got them all picked up!!)

After planning a "hookie day", knowing it was going to be too darn nice to stay inside the house and work, we went to pick Connor up from his Mom's house.  He didn't have school, so we were able to grab him and go to Central Park to play!
Ramsey's favorite playground activity is going down the slides. 
So we slid....
And slid some more....
and chased Ramsey back and forth, all around the playground...
while he played in the wood chips....
and climbed on the stairs...
We were so pleased to have such a beautiful day to play and spend a family day together!

After an eventful afternoon, we all chilled out for a while after supper!
One of Ramsey's favorite spots in on his Big Brubby's lap.
Awww!  :-)

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