So far, he's been able to play ball with Riggs, have tons of bubble-blowing/catching time, play Star Wars, etc.
Riggs loves catching bubbles just as much as Ramsey does... maybe more! He jumps around trying to chomp them with his mouth!
Ramsey's new idea was to expand his Star Wars play onto the deck. He carried each of his large figures outside and played. Daddy helped. :-)
He dragged Yoda outside by his ears! ...good handles!
I've also placed his Little Tykes slide, push-mower, tricycle, and basketball hoop on the deck for him!
For now, only one of his little feet can reach the pedals at a time, so he scoots along on the trike.
Each night, after supper, we have to bring all of his toys inside. He presses his little face and hands against the glass and cries because the sun is going away and he can't be outside anymore! So sad!
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