Friday, October 7, 2016

Getting Some Air

For months, we've been waiting for Ramsey's speech therapist to bring a trampoline for Ramsey to try.  She thought that he'd benefit from it, from a sensory perspective, and they have a toy-lending program at Avera.

The trampolines are apparently tough to come by and are always in use by the physical and occupational therapists.  So, knowing Ramsey is a wild man and loves to jump on couch cushions (and figuring I could use as an exercise device if he hated it for whatever oddball reason), I bought one (that has a "safety handle" on it).  

It has quickly become one of Ramsey's new favorite toys.  This kid gets some serious air when he's jumping!   Eric says he needs a helmet.  :-)
Right after we put it together, NO ONE could come near it; it was Ramsey's and there was no sharing that was going to occur.  Since Day 2, I'm the only one who can jump on it with him.   I can't tell you how many times in a day I hear "Mama, UMP!" (he doesn't say his hard J's yet).   It's pretty darn fun.  
We do have to watch Ramsey, not only from a "safety" perspective but also because he laughs so much he gets the hiccups.  And, sometimes when he gets the hiccups... well, we'll leave the next  part unsaid.  :-)

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