Thursday, October 20, 2016

Prime Time Fishing... in October

Fishing in October?  ...sounds strange in our neck of the woods, doesn't it!?!?!

Eric had caught wind of a new fishing spot that was proving to be a major hot spot lately.  It turns out, Eric had been to this hot spot before (at least ten years ago), but he was there to ice fish.   The big bite, he was told, is at dusk, so Eric took off yesterday afternoon to check it out.

Fishing in his waders, his first bite was a big northern that chomped his jig.  Thereafter, it was smooth sailing with continuous bites of beautifully-sized walleye and perch.   He stayed longer than he needed to (caught his fill quite early on), but stayed to catch and release, as he was having a good time!  (Who wouldn't!?!)

I kept Ramsey up past his bed time so he could see the fish.  Eric was excited to show him his loot!
And, Ramsey was excited to see!
He caught his limit of walleye, plus a jumbo 14" perch.
Sidenote:  While cleaning the fish, we were a bit shocked to see the perch and the female walleye were full of eggs.  We'd never thought about it before (and hadn't cut into a Fall fish), so it was something new.  I'll be Googling more about fish gestation, egg production, etc.  I'm curious!
So excited!!
Eric has already planned to take Connor to the new hot spot this Friday, after school.  Hopefully they'll come home with a packed cooler of fish!

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