Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Fun at the Fire Station

Since Ramsey was told that his preschool class would be taking a field trip to the fire station a week ago, he's talked about it constantly!   After all, he's never been to a fire station before and he's never seen a real fire truck.  Fun!

Today was the day.  However, he didn't seem thrilled... which was a total shocker.  And, when Eric dropped him off at preschool, he seemed sad and wanted to "go home".    Eh, he'll be FINE!  :-)
Of course, Eric had to call me an hour later to tell me that "the school called and Ramsey is throwing things and trying to bite other children".   My husband is such a joker!!!!   What a stinker!   If he would have made the joke more realistic and toned it down, I may have believed him... for a second.  :-)
And, he was fine.  His teacher said he was a little leery this morning, but he came around and had a great time after he'd settled in.  He didn't, however, want to get on the bus too badly though, I was later told.   It was his first bus ride, so I wasn't surprised.  Miss Mariah (his wonderfully sweet teacher) said she had a nice chat with him and he had just been a little scared.

Here's Ramsey on the fire truck stairs (intently looking at not-sure-what?!?):
 And seeing a fire fighter in full gear:
Note: To "protect the innocent" I had to Photoshop the other little kiddos out.
When he arrived home, his backpack held a fun plastic fireman's hat and a gold fire marshall sticker.  We'll get some additional use out of those items again during some dress-up time!  

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