Wednesday, May 3, 2017

A Visit from Grandpa Orin and Judi

It's been quite some time since we'd seen Dad and Judi.   This last year, they'd made the big move from living in Oklahoma to Ohio, so they've sure been busy.

They had made the long haul to our neck of the woods last week and we made plans to spend time together on Friday.  Ramsey was excited for them to arrive.   When he heard Riggs barking (the sure sign someone new was nearby), he ran to the window to look out and see them.   Then, he ran to the door to greet them.

We had some nice quality time together and enjoyed the evening.

Ramsey was quite taken with Grandpa's beard.
 And, as usual, he was quite full of energy, goofing around much of the time (guess you could say he was "showing off" for them!).   At other times, he sat on Grandpa's lap or put puzzles together (Judi clapped for him once and then every time thereafter when he put his puzzle together, it was a necessity that everyone had to clap!).
We're already looking forward to seeing them again.   Miss you guys!

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