Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Bubble Boy

Ramsey's always loved bubbles.  Most kids do, right?   The kid's stash is loaded to the gills with tons of special bubble wands, character containers/wands, and stockpiles of bubble solution (he simply can't get enough).  

Ramsey doesn't quite have "the touch" to blow his own bubbles yet (he still blows too hard - or not hard enough).   I bought some bubble guns recently at the local superstore, so, with the pull of a trigger, he can finally produce his own airy iridescent orbs of fun.   Sidenote: Riggs loves bubbles to.  ...likes to chase them try to catch them with his chompers.
On Sunday evening, while I was whipping something up for supper, Eric noticed that Ramsey had imagined a new way to make mega bubbles:
His giant bubble clusters popped of course, but some of them got quite large before imploding!
I think he was quite proud of himself for his new mastered technique.  :-)

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