Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to my sweetheart!  WE LOVE YOU!!

Well the days just wouldn't be complete without a little bit of chaos in the Big D household.   This weekend was really no different!   It was Father's Day weekend.  Other than being good to Eric, the only real ticket item on the docket was to get the boat in the water (finally)!  Until this point, a myriad things had kept that [seemingly] epic event from occurring.

Saturday was drizzly and a bit windy, but, between the rain, the boys completely the usual checklist to prep the boat for water-readiness.   We won't talk too much about the issues we had (plug was still in the boat, batteries were acting dumb, trailer connection issues), but we launched the boat on Sunday, late morning.  And... she wouldn't start.   Fiddling with batteries, grumbling like mad, breaking the battery connection wire, wondering why the motor was trimming fine two minutes prior,  grumbling more, the boat went back on the trailer, and we came home.  I gave up (only cuz it was Father's Day).  

Eric decided we're getting new batteries...today.  A quasi-quick trip to Walmart later, the new batteries were purchased, installed, and a few hours after that, the boat was ripping through our happy little lake.  HOO-RAH!   Too late for fishing or a tool around the lake, but at least she was IN!

Between the time of the first initial "test launch" and Connor going to the YMCA to be on Lifeguard Duty for a few hours, the boys gave Eric his gifts and card.   He got a movie and a fun t-shirt.
You're a good daddy, Eric.   Love you SO MUCH!

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