Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Summer Nights

We had a visitor last night; Connor's other little brother, Bridger!   As per usual, Bridger was practically mauled when he walked through the door (by one ridiculously excited preschooler and a young-but-overwhelmingly-huge-to-a-visiting-little-boy yellow lab).

There wasn't much time for formal greetings; it was more like "HI THERE, bye there" because the race was on.   Ramsey and Bridger started running around the house feverishly, playing chase and Star Wars.
Getting them to pause for water breaks and to catch their breaths wasn't exactly easy, nor was getting them to STOP for a picture!  Big Brubby Connor later took the boys downstairs to play more, before it was Ramsey's bedtime.   I made the boys my super treat specialty (caramel malts), then the big boys got ready for their outdoor excursion.

While I read to Ramsey and put him to bed, Eric got all of the fishing gear ready for Bridger and Connor so they could nab some fish from the lake.   The boys went down and fished for quite a while.
Bridger grew weary of plain ol' fishing, so he went to do more "boy stuff" (finding perfect sticks to snag spider webs, hunt for wild bunnies, etc).
Connor caught a few crappies to add to our fish cage.  They actually netted a turtle from the dock too.  Bridger was rather excited about that.
 Eventually, it was time to go in (bummer!) and get all of the fish cleaned.   In addition to the bluegill, bass, and perch that were caught over the weekend, Eric reeled in a nice healthy catfish on Sunday night.   He estimated her to weigh between 10 and 12 lbs.
The boys sat at the counter and visited with Eric while he filleted the fish.
Then, off to bed... and on to another day and another summer adventure.

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