Monday, August 21, 2017

Happy Fair-Goers

Sunday was our day to venture out to the county fair.   We were lucky to have such beautiful fair weather; lower 70's, a slight breeze, and party cloudy (a much better outlook than what we'd had the years prior - high 90's and sunny! ugh).

We started out nice and easy, visiting the sheep, hog, and goat barn.   Ramsey got to pet a gilt for the first time.  He also got to pet the goats (his favorite).
 And sheep.
 And bunnies.  There were 4-Hers exhibiting their rabbits in a "dress-up" competition.  There were some cute costumes for the little buggers!
We thought we'd see if Ramsey would ride the ponies this year (last year he wanted nothing to do with them!).  He absolutely wanted to ride them!  Yay!  A new first for Ramsey!  (It seems that since his baby years, his "firsts" have become quite few and far between.)
 Around and around they went, Ramsey smiling like a Cheshire cat for much of the ride!
Another first for Ramsey: midway rides!  Eric and I contemplated whether we thought Ramsey would sit nice and not try to climb out in the middle of the action.  We bought some tickets and took a gamble (and said a little prayer!)
First ride: the fancy convertible cars, complete with buzzer horns! 
 He was looking pretty serious starting out.  He kept looking back to get the view from behind.  He liked this little girl in the back seat.  :-)
It was really fun to watch and get his reactions.  He was so cute!
We were amazed at how fast those cars were blazing by.
Then, off to ride the purple dinosaurs (er, dragons?)!
 He had a little buddy in the back that was chattering with him the whole time.  He was happy to have made another new friend!
Then, on to the 4-wheelers.  Notice how he's bopping his head to the music.  Priceless!
I showed him how to use the buzzer horns this time, so he was busy pushing on it constantly.
Then, we were back to the cars again!
After the insane amount of stimulation from the carnival rides, we decided to tone it down and head into the Expo building to quickly browse exhibits (like the Republican headquarters booth!).  :-)
And, of course we had to visit the Game Fish & Parks' ginormous fish tank, filled with bass, sucker fish, carp, walleye, perch, bluegill, and even a painted turtle!
Once we finished here, we mosied on back to the car, visiting other little sideshow attractions and such.
Until next time, county fair.  Ramsey can't wait to go again!

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