Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Visiting Daddy

Back to school... wow.  It's almost unimaginable!    Ramsey and I scurried to town today to meet Ramsey's new preschool teacher and teacher's aids.   School starts THIS THURSDAY for him.  (Connor's first day was Tuesday, the 22nd!)

We met Miss Brooke, Tammy, and Angie, and discussed "school stuff".   Then, since we were in town, we stopped in to see Daddy at the police station!

He tried on Daddy's heavy Kevlar bullet-proof vest.
And, he got to check out the police cars again. 
Since it was summertime, there were motorcycles in the garage too!  Ramsey wanted to get on and ride one so bad!
We'd better give that one another year or so.  :-)

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