Monday, October 9, 2017

A Family Affair

Eric, Ramsey, Riggs, and I road-tripped to the western part of the state on Thursday to meet up with family.  Grandma Rose's funeral was on Friday.

We enjoyed time together during an evening meal and caught up on the latest and greatest, having good conversation.  Ramsey hadn't seen Grandpa Mike in a long time, so he was happy to be able to give him a hug.
Ramsey found a new friend; his cousin Payton whom he'd just met.  He adored her instantly!  She took interest in his Star Wars toys and played with him (she was so sweet to be such a good big cousin). 
The next day was Grandma Rose's funeral.  It was a lovely ceremony, celebrating her life.   We then traveled to the Veterans' cemetery to put Rose to rest with Grandpa Jack.

Each of the children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren were all given a rose from the floral arrangement that adorned Rose's casket. 
After the final benediction, we chatted for a while with the family and said our goodbyes.
We were blessed to have such a beautiful day for the occasion.

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